ENERGY AUDIT / MANAGEMENT is a term that has a number of meanings, but we're mainly concerned with the one that relates to saving energy in businesses or public-sector/government organizations. more...
ELECTRICAL AUDIT The first step to cutting our electricity bill and usage is to get out the previous bills. Keep a little notebook for this purpose and record the "kilowatt hours used" figure and the "billing period" This could be called adjusted kWh Used. more...
POWER QUALITY AUDIT Power quality is of major concern to all types of industries, especially those operating with critical machinery and equipments. Poor quality of power leads to major problems like break-downs, production interruptions, excess energy consumption etc. more...
FLOW MEASUREMENT Various disasters like earthquake, landslides, volcanic eruptions, fires, flood and cyclones are natural hazards that kill thousands of people and destroy billions of dollars of habitat and property each year. more...
THERMAL IMAGING is a non-intrusive method of scanning the HVAC, Electrical power distribution, UPS, Datacenter and buildings is gaining popularity. This helps to understand the health of the equipments / installations in advance. more...
• Checks the Design’s Technical Data
• Checks and verifies the Installations
• Checks the Critical Facility stage wise
• Checks and certifies the measurements.
FIRE & ELECTRICAL SAFETY AUDIT Given the number & severity of today’s risks, from Bomb Blast & Terrorist Attacks to Pandemics & Natural disasters, effective safety management has never been more critical. more...